You know that is a very tough question. Here is an even tougher statement: I believe that we need more persecution as believers in America!!! WOW, why would I say such a statement? There is such an attitude of complacency in the American church today that it is NOT funny. We treat & are more committed to our secular jobs than we are the church. Some of the reasons & excuses that we use to 'miss church' or keep us out of church WOULD NEVER fly if used in our jobs. We would get fired or lose our jobs quickly. Why then do we do that? BECUASE WE ARE COMFORTABLE & HAVE MADE IT TOO EASY. We say things like, "oh, I can miss a couple of weeks of church, or Bible study & it won't hurt me at all". Now, don't misunderstand...I'm not talking about legitamate reasons for missing... but I have noticed complaceny everywhere...even reading about how a HUGE church in Phoenix, AZ let their pastor go bc/ he didn't preach a soft enough message.
The consumerists mentality has permeated the Christian believer in America. There is a lot of "pick & chose" when it comes to church, Bible study, worship style, etc. "what can I get out of this" is an attitude that just doesn't fly. We should say, "God what are speaking to me & how can I grow in You".
When you look at the growth of believers in foreign countries & you look at the state of teh American church...you see a HUGE difference. Why is the International church growing more rapidly than the American church? I think that it bc/ they face persecution, suffering, ridicule a lot. You face disappearing forever in China if you are found to have a Bible. Just read any magazine from the Voice of the Martyrs Ministry. When you look at the early church, they faced persecution DAILY yet, it also says that they met in each other's house DAILY...they shold their posessions to help out each other & the poor....and God added to their numbers!!! Today, we have believer's in America who come to church for 2 hours, leave & have NO CONNECTION with the Body of believers at all all week, & then come back the next Sun for 2 hours & they think that is ALL that they need. NO, it's not. Wow, I bet if you went to a country that it was illegal to be a Christian & they were holding a meeting...THEY WOULD BE THERE.
Jesus said He woundered if He would find faith when He comes back in Luke 18:8....wow, I really wonder sometimes how many 'believers' would stand & worship if a serious wave of persecution came to America... how many would 'fall away' because it's not comfortable anymore.
Nobody wants persecution....not at all, & I LOVE OUR FREEDOM...but I do think we have gotten too comfortable in the American church. GOD CHANGE OUR HEARTS!!!