
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The Added 9/10th's Cost of Sin

Have you ever seen the price at the gas pump? We read it & have been conditioned to think that the gas cost only the big bold numbers. For instance, 3.50 per gallon. But there is actually a hidden cost that we forget about. The gas station also charges 9-tenths more per gallon...that's an 'added' or 'hidden' cost that we know about, but just look the other way...we forget about that cost...WE ARE ACTUALLY PAYING MORE for the gas, & although it's not much, it does add up over time. ..sin is like that, it ALWAYS costs us more than what we think. There is always that hidden cost that is associated with sin that will always be paid (Galations 6:7), but we've been conditioned to NOT think about it. We do it anyway. Sin ALWAYS costs us. The cost could come at the expense of our integrity, honesty, our safety, a relationship, an attitude, and ultimately...our peace. In Genesis Ch. 3 we see that Adam & Eve disobeyed God & ate the fruit of the tree that God told them not to. No big deal right?? disease, destruction, & death entered the world. Now..... "the fruit of [this] choice would bring bloodshed, perversion, destruction, sorrow, death, and disease into his family [& into our world]." (1) And the worst 'hidden' cost was that man would now be separated from God & live in depravity without Him. ((praise the Lord for His Son's sacrifice to bridge the gap)) Don't forget about the hidden 9-tenths cost of sin.
(1) Jon Courson's Application Commentary - Jon Courson's Application Commentary – Jon Courson's Application Commentary Old Testament Volume 1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I read your post of 9/10th's it brings to mind that often times sins are put in category and some considered in the gray area when sin is sin !