Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Keeping Us Safe....
You know, I am really getting tired of certain elements in our country really hounding the President over the spying of the NSA. The way they make it appear & seem is that the government has been spying on 1,000's upon 1,000's of Americans. Have you been listening people. The one's that have been 'spyed' upon are those who are 'suspected' of terrorism or links to terrorists groups. It's not like the government is tapping into EVERYBODY'S phones & communication......#1 there is not enough man-power to do that, & besides, WHY WOULD THEY???? Talking about your boring job......or a job that would get VERY tiresome after a while. I mean really, what would the government benefit from tapping into my grandmother or grandfather's home telephone??? To see how my grandpa's purebread hounds are doing? NOW IF THERE IS A SUSPECTED LINK TO A TERRORISTS GROUP, then that's another q
uestion isn't it? We have to realize the time in which we are living in. I think that in order to be safe, we are going to have to give up some of our priveldges. I don't think anybody's rights are being violated, but when you hear how some fight & oppose, you would think that EVERY AMERICAN has no more rights of privacy. THOSE WHO ARE AFFILIATED WITH TERROISTS HAVE NO RIGHTS IN MY OPINIONS ANYMORE!!!!! ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE IN THIS COUNTRY. Go get them President Bush, & I hope that whomever becomes the next president of our nation will TAKE THE FIGHT TO THEM. Can this sort of thing be mistreated, of course, almost anything in government can, THAT'S WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO HAVE THE RIGHT PERSON IN THE RIGHT JOB. God Bless America, P.G.

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As someone who is knowledgeable in the subject...no one's rights are being violated. The real issue is that the extreme left is angry that it wasn't told about the program. Here's a thought, you weren't told because people on both sides of the Senate floor like to leak info to the press. Such as we've seen with this issue, the enemy now knows one of our tactics. I take this kind of thing personally, since my fellow brothers-in-arms are over there fighting for your freedom.
Quite frankly, if the extreme left had been in office and a conservative newpaper ran the NSA story, Demo's would have been screaming treason for providing the enemy with classified information. I really get miffed when the media desides that their story and controversy is more important than the life of a soldier. To bring it closer to home, one should be miffed that they decided that their story was more important than the lives of your family. The phone tapping has prevented more attacks and given us the edge we need. We have to follow the rules while fighting an enemy that doesn't. The phone tapping was a legal way of doing that. However, since someone wanted to have their 15 minutes of reporter fame, that edge is lost. Hug your kids tonight because, thanks to the media, we've lost a critical edge.
I agree with you both
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