You know, I am really getting tired of many blaming Bush for the New Orleans disaster. Yeah, the federal government made some mistakes, & they have admitted & acknowledged those.........
but what about the government of Louisianna, & the city itself......how long have they known the levees were bad..... I heard on the radio yesterday that they had known & been told about the faulty levees for something like 35 years.......and what about the buses that they had that just sat there, couldn't they have been used to evacuate people. It's just so absurd in my opinion. There comes a time in natural disasters where you have to "look out for yourself". You can't wait for the governnment to do something for you in those instances......and really evacuating in something like that would seem to be a "state" & "city" issue. They were warned days in advance.
......I also heard yesterday that a college female thought that Bush was using the NSA 'spying' NOT for national safety and security, but simply because of HIS EGO........wow, that is a great assesment..........some in Congress do not care about national security, ONLY WHAT THEY CAN POLITICIZE........we have seen that at the Coretta Scott King funeral. I loved listening to Att. Gen. Gonzalez's testimony before the committee concerning the NSA taps.......he listed past presidents, all the way back to Washington, that intercepted communications, checked wiretaps, read correspondance, etc. in order to know what the enemy was doing & planning......Wilson wanted to read EVERY telegraph that came in & out of this country if I heard the testimony correctly.........what is different here? Like I said before, Bush & the government isn't listening to my grandparent's phone calls, or somebody like that.......my opinion......Keep up the good work Pres. Bush, I'm praying for you!
I see the problematic "me first" attitude in many large cities and small. The sense of entitlement many people have is sickening. The blame game that gets played in the media is even worse. That said, I wouldn't let the POTUS, New Orleans Mayor, or LA Governor off the hook either.
I think it's a fair observation to note that if people of a different socio-economic status were up the creek, paddles would have been air-dropped in short order. Is it fair? Probably not. Is it reality? Sadly, I believe so. If we are going to position our nation as a beacon for all to see, we need to make sure we GRACIOUSLY give help and GRACIOUSLY receive it too whether the soul in need is at the top or the bottom of the ladder.
Did you notice that after the CINC took the heat for the Katrina disaster the govner and mayor actually took some blame? Only after the big cheese took the heat though. That is sad. To me, it was on the city and state to have a plan. You coord with the U.S. government with your plan to make sure everyone is on the same sheet. Not fuss at the feds when the state and city failed to do it's job.
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