You know.... It seems like in this day & age that the things of God are so easily put right in line with everything else that goes on in our lives. We keep them equal with our jobs, success, hobbies, interests, loves, & desires.
Many times we put a higher priority on things that have NO ETERNAL value than on those things that have a high eternal value. What is up with that? Where did we go wrong? Jesus said, "where your heart is, there your treasure is" (my translation). Is our hearts on God & the things of God.......the church, His Word, the fellowship of the believer, our quiet times with Him, allowing His presence & Spirit to TOTALLY SATURATE EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES.
Here is what is sad....... many times we do not let ANY KIND of excuse keep us from the things that we really love, and we will make GREAT sacrifices to make sure we enjoy or do those things.....BUT, when it comes to church or the Lord, many excuses keep us from doing what God has called us to do, or even to committ to the church on a regular basis...
WOW...That is something that I have to work on as well....... We will all stand before the Lord & have to give an account of our lives.....what's He going to say "well done good & faithful servant" , or "I don't even know you"? I want to be counted FAITHFUL, don't you?
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