
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Steroids in baseball is sad....

I just simply think that it is sad. I like to joke that the only steroid that Babe Ruth used was beer & steak. I say give the records back to the GREAT old ballplayers who held them for so long (unless the records were broken by "non-juiced" players). I simply think it is a joke......kick them 1st strike, 2nd strike nonsense.....they all know what's going on......kick them out..... I just shake my head at the whole situation...... see in golf....steroids will not help you, it might help you drive the ball, but you've still got to chip & put :)
AND I KNOW what some are saying....."well, they've still got to hit the ball" <--this a="" amp="" an="" are="" back="" ball="" best="" br="" but="" during="" guys="" have="" heard="" hit="" hitting="" hold="" i="" interview="" is="" it="" lasorda="" ll="" maybe="" minute.....i="" now="" of="" on="" out="" popping="" say="" sum="" the="" there.....="" they="" to="" tommy="" track="" true="" up.....="" up="" used="" warning="" were="" when="">
"sad day, sad day...."


Anonymous said...

DING!!! Bronson Arroyo hit two homers so far this year.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I don't have to be a member to blog...just testing, G. :o)

Anonymous said...

so your saying if i take steriods then my foul tips might actually go past the pitcher's mound?