I just got word yesterday that a very good friend of mine who was also a frat brother died from complications of the H1N1 virus & pneumonia. He was only about 35-36 years old (I believe.. maybe a bit younger). I followed his brother's updates on facebook over the last few days. His brother Mark is a fellow pastor in Kentucky. I have been kind of rivoted to my facebook page looking for updates on Kevin. It's really hard to beleive that his earthly life is over. Death always makes us take stock in what is 'really going on'. We get so used to the everyday routine down here that we forget to view things through the lens of Scripture. We are just pilgrims headed to our 'real' home. This life here on earth is just a journey of trust, faith, & love in Jesus Christ.
21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 23 I feel torn between the two, because I have a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far, Phil 1:21,23 (NET)
Paul....realized that heaven is much better than earth & really desired to just be done with earth & flesh & get on to glory. He stayed, thank-the Lord, & wrote many letters that we are reading & living by today that are included in God's Word.
My friend Kevin JUST GAINED what we, as believers in Christ, are striving for. He gained... he didn't lose... he didn't give up... HE GAINED & He is worshiping the Father.
The death of a believer is not "good-bye", it's just "we'll see you very soon"
The Lord is coming soon.... take advantage of everyday... hug your spouse & kids, tell someone that you love them... don't take people or things for granted....
live this journey in such a way that the Father will one day say "you believed in my Son, you lived for me the best you could, good job"
God bless, Pastor G....... Kevin, we'll see you soon
(pray for their family)