
Friday, May 11, 2012

OK, it's been a long time.....but now the link for this blog is on our new church website, so I want to maintain & post more frequently. Thanks for 'tuning' in. Grab a cup & chat with me (via comments of course) We have a lot of state & local elections coming up & we have a BIG election coming up. We are going to be voting for whom will fill the position of the President of the United States of America. Do America a favor....take some time, do some research...& find out what the issues are, where the different candidates stand.....don't just take the news corporations word or soundbytes & base your 'vote' on that or simply by what your friends are doing. The news media is just ridiculous anymore only reporting based upon their own agendas. Perhaps that is why print media subscriptions is declining. If you are a believer, it is up to have a very important vote. Find out the issues & what God's Word says about them. When is comes to voting (along with life in general as well), Psalm 119:105 give us great advice: 'Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path'

1 comment:

Leah King said...


My name is Leah King and I am collecting signatures to run for the 2016 State Senate Race. A large part of my platform involves incentivizing teachers to hold advanced degrees by reducing their tax burden. I believe a well educated instructor is one that is better able to prepare their students for college. I would like to get this message out to the district so I would like to set up some town hall meetings to invite your congregation to ask questions and understand my platform. Please feel free to review the rest of my platform at and I will look forward to a response, either way, to indicate if you are able to accommodate my request.

Thank you,

Leah King
