
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Teach Intelligent Design as we...

I just heard about the judge chosing to rule that I.D. (Intelligent Design) cannot be taught at the public school in Dover County, PA. THAT IS SO ABSURD. I'm so sick of the 'evolution science' IDIOTS getting so scared when their 'THEORY' (that is really all that it is) is ever challenged. I cannot believe that they stick with that lie. Why not teach them both side by side & let the kids & parents decide which one they want to believe. When will they learn? When will they learn?
I think that it is an absolute INSULT to even think that the human race evolved from the monkey/ape/gorilla or what have you, and if so....why aren't there more monkeys evolving today???? as a matter of fact, you can see in nature evidence of 'negative' evolving (born without a wing, not perfect, etc.), but you see NO EVIDENCE of 'positive' evolving (things becoming better)....I wonder why that is, probably because the theory of evolution is a joke. Just read or watch any videos by Dr. Ham, or even better, Dr. Kent hovind at "whah, whah, they want to teach something besides a lie (evolution)"


Anonymous said...

First, I found your blog by surfing and I want to say I respect people for expressing their views and concerns. I do want to say one thing about your post. I tend to take a seat on the fence of most high profile issues until I have researched and heard several opinions of each side. I do want to state that on issues such as this it seems like the bible movement just wants to sit and complain about everything going on and you never see or hear of and protesting or lobbying on behalf of the bible movement. You DO see thousands of people supporting anti-religious beliefs. Abortion, Gay rights, as a few examples. I'm not saying I support any certain right and I have a fair knowledge of the Bible out of curious reading. I do not proclaim that I am a christian. What do you think about the Bible movement taking a non-active stance? Or do you believe that is what God would want?

☕ GI ☕ said...

Well guys, I appreciate your posting on my blog. Let me speak to Lennon first. the 'theory' of evolution has not been proven as well. You can find instances of 'negative' evolution, but none of 'positive' evolution. Why is that? why MUST they teach in schools what is a 'theory' as well. If evolutions IS tru, why aren't there anymore humans evolving from the monkey species? I even heard that Darwin recounted his theory before he died. I want to do some research on that, but I have heard that a couple of times. I think that it is HORRIBLE that evolution is taught as fact (that it really did happen) when there really is NO proof of that as well. I've heard it say (& I believe it) that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does creationism. & to eddison, I think you are right about Christians & religious groups simply sitting around & complaining, but not taking an 'active' stand. You are right......most groups are getting their 'aggenda's' out there because they are 'DOING' thing....being proactive instead of inactive. But I think that it is starting to swing a little. Just look at the "Christmas" the beginning of the season Walmart, & many other companies forbid the saying of the word "Christmas", but after a couple of weeks, letters went out saying that it was allright to say the word (I know that it is true at Walmart), & different places apologized for using the word 'holiday' etc. I think that Christians ought to take a stand for what we believe in & not just sit back & let things happen. Thanks for your posts guys. & God bless. PastorG (try Jesus)

Anonymous said...

Hey PastorG, I totally agree with you on this! It's crazy so crazy to think we came from a "higher being", yet every time we take a breath we have air and we can survive. Take away that air and we will die. We've taken God out of so much, and look how good that has done. People want scientific proof, and they have it all around them, every day. Well I've been on my soap box long enough.

Anonymous said...

To g.e.o.,

Nobody in this blog has said that evolution has been proven. Nobody has proven that the "CREATOR" exists either. Just because things are complex does not prove that there is a creator. You said that you think man was created in the image of God(father, son, and holy spirit). Proving the existence of a spirit is no diffrent than proving evolution. There are christians that don't believe that there is a holy spirit. Do you believe everything in the bible just because it is there? If you look around at all the christian denominations. They all believe something diffrent. The Bible means one thing to one group, and something diffrent to another. The Jewish believe even diffrent. How will the "creator" pick the 100,000 jews that get to go to heaven. I have went to several diffrent churches and I must say that no two churches believe the same thing. Yeah, the Bible, but that is kind of vague considering some believe in tongues and some don't, some belief in the "holy spirit" and some don't, some believe that once you are saved then you always will be and some don't. to be continued...

☕ GI ☕ said...

eddison, this is PastorG here, thanx everyone for chimming in by the way...... the earth is made of humans of varying opinnions, traditions, backgrounds, etc. God gave us His Word as a guide. In the Bible there are certain things that are ESSENTIALS. On these believers HAVE to agree on. These ESSENTIALS are the backbone of Christianity. To NOT believe in the ESSENTIALS is to not believe in the Word. For one of the examples you gave, the Holy Spirit IS ONE of the persons in the Godhead (Trinity) and the Bible specifically shows us this in many references. There is ONE way to salvation & that is through Jesus Christ. To preach or teach ANYTHING else is NOT BIBLICAL or right (Jesus said He is the way,the Truth, and the Life.(John 14:16) No man comes to the Father but through Him he says. There are many other ESSENTIALS that believers MUST have unity on because if not it would undermind the Word of God. There are many different non-essentials as well where believers are given liberty to disagree WITHOUT becomming disagreaable or destroying the unity of the believers, & THAT is where so many go wrong. That is where you get the differnce in worship styles, formal/informal, musicians/no musicians, etc. God gives liberty to decide & we can differ on those things, but things such as the Godhead (Trinity), the infallable Word of God, humanity/divinity of Christ, salvation, Heaven/Hell, Christ's birth-death-ressurrection, the second coming of Christ, etc., these things are outlined EXPLICITLY in Scripture and HAS TO HAVE AGREEMENT. other things are non-essential.
AND THEN TO WHAT you said about not being able to prove a 'creator' or God exists....the proof is in the pudding as they say:), I know that God exist by what He has done in my life. How He has changed me & made me a new person inside & out as well as so MANY OTHERS who I have seen Him TOTALLY change, some from deep into things that they could not change on their own. It's not psych-bable, or mental power, or any of that which helps them change, but the very power of God in their lives and seeing God change hearts, attitudes, lifestyles, purpose, and everything else about a person. I've seen it. I've experienced it. God proves Himself. No one on the evolution side can EVER say anything to that matter. God bless, PastorG

☕ GI ☕ said...

PastorG here again. Nice posts everyone, great dialogue. Lennon, let me answer a few questions from your lasts post (thanx for posting). When I mention things that we can agree to 'disagree' on, I am NOT talking about fundamental doctrines of the Bible, God's Word. Those things are unchangeable. I am talking about secondary issues. Some think that drinking a glass of wine here or there is ok, where other's do not think so, & should do away with things such as that. Matters such as smoking a cigarette, dancing, entertainment, etc. We can differ in those things, but NOT things such as the Trinity, salvation, Jesus (deity/humanity), The return of Christ, etc. 'systematic Theology'. & the example you use is just plain WRONG for any Christian to say one is going to hell because they do not believe like they do on a secondary issue such as music & instruments. That is where SO many Christians are simply WRONG. Paul talks about this in Romans 14. There were all of these people becoming new Christians, Jews who grew up in tradition & religion & gentiles who knew nothing of those things. The Jews were telling the gentile Christians that they HAD to eat certain things, worship on certain days, etc. according to the Law & the gentile Christians were saying we knew nothing of those things & that Jesus did away witht he Law & gave liberty in Him. Paul said it is ok to have both of these views, the important thing is NOT to JUDGE, & don't cause the other to stumble. Those with the scruples, keep doing them until they understand their liberty, those with the liberty KEEP IT BETWEEN THEM & GOD. But their judging was simply WRONG.
#2 - you cannot equate Christians today with the Crusades. That was a long time ago & nobody is alive today that was there. Islam has been doing their thing for centuries, in fact their own Koran says to kill the infidel. Does that sound like love. NOWHERE in the Bible does it tell Christians to kill the non-believer. In fact, Jesus said that people will know that we are His disciple by the love that we show to others & each other. Some Christians really need to ask if they truly are Christ's disciples, because they are not showing love. That's sad & a great sermon. This thing with the muslims & Jews goes all the way back to Genesis (16 I think) when Abraham had a child with his wife's handmaiden. God promised Abe. that he would be a father to a great nation & he got a little impatient instead of waiting for God. God allowed Sarah his wife to birth a child way out of childbearing age, Isaac. Isaac was the promised child to Abraham, not Ishmael. Ishmael started the muslim race, while Isaacs was the first child in God's chosen race, the Jews (named from Judah- a son of Joseph & one of the 12 tribes). It's is really interesting to see how it all began. Genesis 15.
#3 - you said if there was a creator, why doesn't he come down & say he is & show us the way to Heaven....HE DID, In Jesus Christ....& Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, & the Life. All we have to do is believe...that's it, so simple, not join a religion, or a church, simply believe in Him, make Him Lord, & live for Him. I'm sorry you think it's easier to believe we came from slime....some say it takes more faith to 'not believe' than it does to 'believe'....Just believe...I would love to talk to you more...send me an email,
God bless, Pastor G

☕ GI ☕ said...

Squatch brings up a good point... if the faith of evolution is true...then where do the "moral absolutes" come from? Who then determines what is right/wrong, what is appropriate or not...??? good question.... (the answer I believe is the utmost authority...the Word of God...)Pastor G

☕ GI ☕ said...

Great Post, Mike this the Mike T, that I'm thinking of?