
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Teach Intelligent Design as we...

I just heard about the judge chosing to rule that I.D. (Intelligent Design) cannot be taught at the public school in Dover County, PA. THAT IS SO ABSURD. I'm so sick of the 'evolution science' IDIOTS getting so scared when their 'THEORY' (that is really all that it is) is ever challenged. I cannot believe that they stick with that lie. Why not teach them both side by side & let the kids & parents decide which one they want to believe. When will they learn? When will they learn?
I think that it is an absolute INSULT to even think that the human race evolved from the monkey/ape/gorilla or what have you, and if so....why aren't there more monkeys evolving today???? as a matter of fact, you can see in nature evidence of 'negative' evolving (born without a wing, not perfect, etc.), but you see NO EVIDENCE of 'positive' evolving (things becoming better)....I wonder why that is, probably because the theory of evolution is a joke. Just read or watch any videos by Dr. Ham, or even better, Dr. Kent hovind at "whah, whah, they want to teach something besides a lie (evolution)"

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Allright, Here We Go, The Inagural Post

I have been wanting to do something like this for some time now. I need a place on the net where I can rant and rave & comment about things....... so if my ranting & raving & commenting strikes a chord with ya..... leave a comment .... or as I like to say... "sip & chat" with me.... G